Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Idiom Session

Today I worked on figurative language with my fourth graders. They are amazing and I am lucky enough to have only two students (for the time being) in that group. They work very hard and are invested in their learning and want to be the best students they can.

Here's what we did today:

  • First I had them create a thinking map to review the concepts that we have already learned by stating the concepts, providing a definition and giving an example of each
  • We have been working on idioms, metaphors and similes
  • Then the students got to pick the game they wanted to play in order to reinforce the concepts
    • I always have 2-3 games that I pre-select and then let the students choose what they want to do. This creates a little buy in and gets them more involved in the activity. 
  • They wanted to draw common idioms and then have the other student guess the expression
It was a fun activity that captured their attention for the entire time. It was also a good check for me to see what idioms that knew and which ones we needed to review. Let me know if you have any questions!

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