Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Welcome Back

Hello Everyone! Welcome back to another school year. I love this time of the year, all of the kids are so excited and everything is just....fresh. Fresh perspective, fresh teacher/student relationships and fresh supplies. I hope, that if you are like me and starting up the school year, you are having a wonderful start. The fresh beginning for students inspires me to do a little new goal setting and check-in for myself too!

Any new/old goals you are getting ready to tackle in the fall? 

One of the biggest goals that I always have at the start of a new school year is managing my schedule and carving out time to collaborate with teachers and communicate with parents. This always seems to be something that I am tweaking and fine-tuning. I have to admit that I have yet to find a system that seems to work for everyone involved. Any thoughts or systems that seem to work for you guys? I would LOVE your feedback!

There are so many things that I love about this time of the year, one of many being that fall is just around the corner. The ultimate signal of fall being here is pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks, right?!?! I plan on cuddling in, enjoying all things fall and watch this school year take off! Have a wonderful start to your year.